MDSL Sportsmanship Message

We are thrilled to welcome your teams to an MDSL event. We hope that your experience will be great for the coaches, players, and spectators. But before you step on the field this weekend we want to remind you the importance of sportsmanship toward not just your opponent, but our referees.

This is a reminder that Sportsmanship is a core value of the MDSL:

SportsmanshipWe encourage and celebrate respect among clubs, players, parents, coaches, and referees.

We ask that you place Sportsmanship high on your list when attending an MDSL event and uphold this value with us when supporting your team.

Let the coaches coach, the referees referee, and players play.

  1. All of the teams in the event have the chance to win a trophy for their club and for the players to place medals on their necks. The matches mean something, and we think that’s healthy for the players’ experience. There will be missed decisions and referee error.  We ask that you keep things in perspective if your team is affected.
  2. We also believe that quality refereeing is really important for our events. It will not be perfect. But remember without referees it would just be a scrimmage. So please, please, please respect the referees.
  3. Referees who do not traditionally work youth matches will be on the field. Make them feel welcome so they come back. To advance refereeing in our state, we must all respect, encourage, and support the referees.
  4. Coaches: you are responsible for the behavior of your team sidelines. This means not only your sideline with the players, but also the opposite sidelines where your parents will sit. If a parent gets out of hand then please intervene if necessary.

Enjoy the MDSL. We do this for the youth and for all it represents to the players and the teams.

Thank you,

MDSL Staff